This is a program for windows which desplays the Periodic Table and, when ou click on an element, gives you a detailed description of that element. It is based on user-friendliness, so if you don't know what something is, click on it. It' the same for basically everything in the program-you can click on ANYTHING and get a windows giving a description of whatever you clicked on. When you even move your mouse over an element, a blue box at the top of the screen will give you the full name of the element!
You are able to use this program freely, and distribute it to your friends, HOWEVER you may notice that in the program, you can only get information on the Non-metals and the Other gases. You don't get the information on protons, neutrons and all that either. BUT if you send a cheque/postal order for ú5 (or Foreign Equivalent) to me:Samuel Saarsteiner, and give me your address, I will send you the full copy of the Game.
Here is my address:
30, Sutton Lawns, Sutton, Dublin 13, Ireland.
System Requirements:
386 or above, Windows 3.1 or above, MS-Compatable mouse,
4MB RAM(Most computers should have this as standard-No lesser amount of RAM would be able to support a Modem otherwise)